• Drone view of plots and nearby areas
    BIRD-EYE VIEW: how our feathered neighbours see our plots in summer
  • Ripe redcurrant berries ready to pick
    SUMMER: crops ripening, gardeners busy!
  • Pollinators hard at work in the allotments
    AUTUMN: pollinators hard at work on seedheads
  • Apple blossom, evening on the allotment
    SPRING: apple blossom in the evening

STOTES HALL CHAIR NICK POLUNIN WRITES: First of all, I would like to acknowledge, thank and welcome those who have recently joined our allotment society. We will meet sporadically, no doubt, but our two clearance days with a BBQ the same evenings are an exceptional opportunity for us to be together, love what we have and compare notes informally. So please put in your diaries the summer clearance and BBQ on Saturday 21June, when I hope you will join us: you just need to bring something to drink and eat! The weather is mostly unfriendly for now, but these next few weeks are very important to get the most out of the growing season, which does not go on for ever! So, if you have not done so already (but I'm delighted to see that many have begun the process), prepare the ground. Bring your tools and clear your plot of weeds, and if it's your method (some are trying a 'no dig' approach), add manure from the pile at the top next to the road (voluntary contribution to the cost welcome when you pay your subscription), and dig it into the soil. You will then be ready in the next few weeks to sow your seeds and/or plant seedlings, but watch out for any late frosts!
***Questions are suggestions are always welcome! – please do get in touch, at the plots or using our About Us webpage for contact info.

2023: review of a year to remember!

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Tue, 12/12/2023 - 18:39

STOTES HALL CHAIR NICK POLUNIN WRITES: What a year it's been! Glorious sunshine in the early summer - it seemed to go on and on in a way I can't remember in the North East - but then July, August (and beyond!) saw extensive rain. It's good for our plants, but too much deters gardening and encourages lots of other plants (and slugs, snails and probably deer).

TIM ROBINSON 1953–2023

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Tue, 21/03/2023 - 06:23

Our allotment society adds thanks to the many tributes shared at Tim’s funeral. His conscientious attention to detail and support were qualities we were fortunate to benefit from, thanks to his vital role creating our website. Our condolences have been passed to Caroline, a plotholder with us for more than 30 years.  "Read more" for Tim's photos.