
Change of our landlord

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Fri, 31/01/2025 - 14:29

Plotholders will probably have seen the news that Newcastle City Council is reversing its decision for charity (Urban Green) to run the city's 60+ allotments. The formal decision was taken in January 2025 and it's expected the transfer will take place before March. Our allotment committee has been kept in touch with developments and attended a meeting of Newcastle Allotment Working Group (NAWG).

Spare an hour for Birdwatch

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Fri, 03/01/2025 - 17:06

Concerned about the dramatic decline in bird numbers? Many of us are, which is why annual Birdwatch is now the world's largest wildlife survey. Thank you to all who took part, at our plots or in the garden. It helps RSPB volunteers plan how best to restore species most at risk and campaign for better protection.

Discounts: North Shields B&Q

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Sat, 26/10/2024 - 07:34

Urban Green's Allotment Officer, Ali Coxon, has agreed an arrangement with North Shields B&Q that is now available for allotment societies and plotholders. 

The contact is Alyson Lee, the Trade Partner in North Shields B&Q. You can email her using this email link, and her mobile is 07967 850647.

Allotment Show 2024

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Thu, 25/07/2024 - 18:06

Everyone's welcome at this year's Allotment Show on 15 September in Exhibition Park. You can enjoy music, street food, trader stalls and best of all, view all the winners and other entries from allotments across the city.

And 6 September is your deadline to enter - children's entries are welcome,  categories include chutneys, cakes and drawings, nd there are also new sustainability categories. To check out the dozens of categories:

Crop donation - People's Kitchen

Submitted by Olwyn Hocking on Mon, 22/01/2024 - 16:25

Donations to the People's Kitchen can be made on weekdays between 1pm and 5.30pm. The address is 56 Bath Lane, a couple of streets away from the Newcastle United stadium.  Olwyn recently dropped off several kilos of Jerusalem artichokes and a box of windfall apples. If you face the main entrance, you will see a little yard to the left - go into it and there is a door to the kitchens. Ring the bell and a friendly person will come to the door and thank you!